But is the ideal from 330 BC the ideal for today? What is the ideal of Higher Education?
Growing up my idea of university centred on the hallowed grounds of Oxford and Cambridge and my idea of perfection was those institutions. They were elitist and exclusive and to reach those heights was an accolade that would make my family proud. However, being somewhat distracted by rugby, alcohol and the other delights of the world, I did not perform as I should have in my A-levels.
After taking a year and reassessing what I wanted to do. I applied for Law at Kingston. My family could not be any more proud of me were I studying at Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard rather than Kingston. I also doubt I would have been any happier with my choice. What I came to understand about Higher Education is that it is a gift. That gift is not given, it is earned. For those who take the opportunity of higher education and university and work at it; the experiences you gain are invaluable and the paths you open up can change your life. Universities that have histories of widening participation expand that gift.
Recent A-level results have indeed left many people without that opportunity. The sad reality is that education is not open to all. Not everyone will be able to do a degree. There are some students going into some fantastic apprenticeships and some students even training as accountants without a degree. But what they are missing out on is the cultural and personal experience university gives you. They will not have the same experience going straight into work that graduates will have had through university. They will also not have the same academic skills. An apprenticeship teaches you to do a job. A degree teaches you to learn and become better at everything you do.
So what do we want our higher education to be? Do we want to teach people to do jobs? Then why have higher education? Scrap it and introduce apprenticeships for all. The reality is the university is meant to be about more than a job. It is about maturing as a person, learning who you are, what you can be and importantly, equipping you to get there.
Education should be for all.
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